this is a work in progress for my design class:

the gist of the project is to make four 4x4 cubes inspired by the Swiss designer of our choice. I chose Josef Muller-Brockmann. He was pretty revolutionary within the Swiss movement - I'm into that. Each cube has to be based upon the artists biography, contribution, philosophy/principle and their body of work. The work that I have done thus far on this project is simply to get my hands wet, I haven't really immersed myself in the research quite yet... but I have a feeling, if my inspiration and creativity ensues i'll redeem myself from the last project we did... not okay with that B.
this is the last advertisement i presented for my advertising and art direction course..

pretty basic. not very clever, or cute...not to mention, the production is pretty terrible- but it's not a production class, so i'm not worried about it. still, conceptualizing when it comes to advertising is tricky for me. i don't know why, but i'm incredibly intimidated by creating ideas for someone else's product. it's odd. i need to get over it, and i'm trying - which is why this class is really beneficial for me.
I'll be working with Eskell the next week or so. I'm doing a flyer for their "Pre-Holiday, Holiday Bash 2008" accompanied by, along with some other work for their sale in NYC next week.
I'm excited to be doing work outside of school and outside of.. work.